Dear River Grove Families, Staff, and Community
We’d like to update you on River Grove’s most recent activity. Included in this email:
- Distance Learning Implementation Status
- Dates and Procedures for Picking Up Distance Learning Materials and Borrowing Chromebooks
- Childcare Reminder
- At-Home Resource Ideas During the School Closure
- Helpful ideas (not part of the distance learning core curriculum)
- A Note about Parent-Teacher Conferences
- A Note about Special Education
Distance Learning Implementation Status
- As of this writing, there has been no official expansion of the mandated school closings in Minnesota. The MDE specifically asked schools to wait until March 30 to implement the distance learning program that serves all students.
- River Grove will email and post a “Distance Learning Handbook” by Thursday evening, March 26.
- Teachers will communicate lesson plans to families no later than Monday, March 30.
- Parents will be responsible for entering students’ daily attendance in an online form starting Monday, March 30.
Dates and Procedures for Picking Up Distance Learning Materials and Borrowing Chromebooks
- Dates for Pickup for Distance Learning Materials will be in the Commons building:
- Thursday, March 26, 3:00 to 6:00pm
- Friday, March 27, 8:00am to 12:00pm
- Saturday, March 28, 9:00 to 12:00pm
- Please follow these instructions to help us maintain the MDE and CDC guidelines for social distancing:
- Park in the “Guest” (parent pick-up) parking lot.
- Please check in with the staff in the Commons.
- Enter by the front door.
- Only one family will be in the Commons at a time. If more than one family is present, we will ask you to wait outside by the front door and space yourselves 6 feet apart.
- Each teacher will have a designated table for student packets and Chromebooks. Find your materials. If you borrow a Chromebook, make sure to tell the staff.
- Leave by the deck door.
Childcare Reminder
- At this time, childcare is located on the River Grove campus in partnership with the YMCA. The list of those essential to the COVID-19 expanded last week. If you are an “Emergency Worker in Tier I under the Executive Order” who needs childcare, please let us know.
- We will ask all parents to provide a letter from his/her employer.
- If we are able to do so while adhering to the Minnesota Department of Health’s social distancing guidelines, we will try to accommodate the children of Tier 2 employees.
- Childcare links:
- Childcare Registration Form. Please provide us with 48 hours of advance notice.
- Childcare Policies and Info and Waiver.
- The YMCA has additional forms they will need upon student drop-off.
- Tier 1 and Tier 2 Employee Definitions.
At-Home Resources (Not Part of the “Core Curriculum”)
- Some of our wonderful paraprofessional staff created a list of suggestions to help you and your kids during this trying time. Take a look here!
A Note about Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Teachers will be contacting you directly to set up Parent-Teacher Conferences by phone or video call. Expect this to start in early to mid April.
A Note about Special Education
- Our Special Education staff is working hard on distance learning. They have been working with classroom teachers to determine plans and programs. This week, you can expect a call from your child’s case manager and related service providers (OT, PT, DAPE, SPEECH/LANGUAGE, DHH, BVI, and O/M) to determine times that they can collaboratively work with your child. Any general questions should be emailed to our Special Education Coordinator, Molly Kaliher at mkaliher@marineareschool.org.
Thank you and take care!
Drew Goodson, School Director