Important Update about COVID-19
Dear River Grove Families, Staff, and Community
Today, Governor Tim Walz held a press conference to discuss COVID-19 in Minnesota. Most relevant to our school community, Governor Walz, the MDE, and the MDH are not recommending widespread school closures at this time unless specific conditions exist in a particular school or district.
River Grove leaders have been busy working on a plan that prioritizes student learning and safety in the event of a school closure. However, many staff have been unable to participate due to spring break schedules. Because of this, River Grove will extend spring break for two days — Monday and Tuesday March 16-17 — to give teachers and administration time to prepare our campus and further develop a comprehensive plan in the event schools are fully closed. Additionally, all non-essential activities such as after-school clubs will be cancelled or postponed until further notice.
We believe this is the best strategy to implement recommended “community mitigation” measures, ensuring the safety of family, friends, and neighbors, with special consideration of vulnerable populations. We recognize that this may be difficult for some families, while also recognizing that the overall goal is to limit and slow down the spread of COVID-19 and respond appropriately.
When students return, it is imperative all students, staff, and families follow the recommendations from the CDC about staying home if there are any signs of illness, washing hands thoroughly and frequently, and taking all possible steps to prevent the spread of illness. See the CDC links below. Consult your healthcare provider, River Grove’s licensed school nurse Megan Lapos, and the River Grove Parent-Student Handbook about when it is appropriate to return to school.
In particular, if anyone in your family shows symptoms of COVID-19 (see the CDC website), contact a medical professional. If anyone you have been in contact with tests positive, immediately inform school officials at attendance@marineareaschool.
Current Guidelines 3-13-20
- River Grove will extend spring break for two days, Monday and Tuesday March 16-17, 2020.
Parents/guardians may choose to keep students home at their own discretion.
Please email attendance@marineareaschool.
org every day that you keep your child home while school is in session, informing us of the reason.
In the event of a school closure, the exact length will be guided by CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommendations and in collaboration with MDH, MDE, and local health officials.
We will notify our school community of a school closure in the same way as we do a weather emergency: email; text messages and robo calls from JMC, our student database system; Facebook; and our website.
Students will be given e-learning activities in the event of a school closure. Teachers and staff have already been asked to plan for this possibility.
All students will have an active Google Classroom account for e-learning.
A Google Classroom guide will be developed for parents. We will email it out and post it on our website. We will ask for confirmation from all parents that they received the classroom guide (details on this process TBD).
If on-line internet connectivity is difficult or impossible for your family, please contact the school or your teacher. Contact information is here on our website.
The e-learning activities may be extended if necessary. River Grove will notify families in the same manner as the initial notification.
Important Information
Please Click to Open these Links
What you need to know about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Get Your Household Ready for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Again, ensuring the health and safety of our students and staff is always our most important consideration. School leaders are in regular communication with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) to be certain we are proactive in our decision-making, following current guidelines, and effectively communicating with our community.
Thank you,
Drew Goodson, School Director