Updated 7-27-22
This information may be updated frequently.
Click here to return to the current COVID main page
Links to the Minnesota Department of Health
- Parent and Caregiver Information for COVID-19 for Schools and Child Care from the MDH
- MDH COVID-19 SYMPTOMS (If You Are Sick or Test Positive)
- What to do if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19* or have tested positive for COVID-19 (regardless of vaccination status or symptoms).
- Close contact or exposure: Being close to someone who has COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes within 24 hours means you are a close contact and were exposed to COVID-19.
- MDH COVID-19 SYMPTOMS (If You Are Sick or Test Positive)
- On this Page
- Individuals should stay/go home from school/work if they have symptoms of COVID, have tested positive for COVID, or have been diagnosed by a physician with any highly contagious disease.
- Check for any COVID symptoms every day before heading to school.
- If your student has ONE of the “more common” symptoms or TWO “less common” symptoms (see sidebar), they need to stay/go home from school, regardless of vaccination status or prior history of COVID.
- Sick students should get a COVID test.
- At-home tests may be available from the school. Please contact the Health Office: mlapos@marineareaschool.org.
- The school will no longer test students or staff on campus.
- If the test is negative, but the student does have COVID symptoms, they should stay home for at least 24 hours until after symptoms have improved and they have been fever-free for 24 hours.
- If the test is positive, click here for guidance.
- Sick students should get a COVID test.
- If the student with symptoms has a sibling in school:
- If COVID test is negative, symptom-free siblings can stay in school.
- If COVID test is positive, see Close Contact sections below.
Please email attendance@marineareaschool.org when your student is absent or late for any reason, and to report illnesses.
- *
- If the close contact is both vaccinated and has no symptoms:
- Student/staff can remain at school.
- Monitor for symptoms.
- Testing is strongly recommended.
- If the close contact is vaccinated and has symptoms:
- Stay home until 24 hours after symptom improvement.
- Return to school after a negative COVID test.
- If the close contact is both vaccinated and has no symptoms:
- For close contacts living in the same home with the COVID patient who are not fully vaccinated:
- If no symptoms:
- If someone in your household has a confirmed case of COVID-19, siblings and all others who are not fully vaccinated or have not had lab confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days should stay home and away from all activities for at least 5 full days.
- If symptoms develop:
- Continue to stay home and test for COVID.
- Negative test required before returning to school.
- If continuing to test negative, person may return 24 hours after symptom improvement.
- If student/staff tests positive:
- Stay home for 5 days after a positive test.
- Return to school/activities on day 6 only if fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication) and symptoms have improved.
- Wear a well-fitting mask for 5 days after return to school, including while outdoors. (N95, KN95, KF94, or 4-ply surgical masks are recommended.)
- Must eat lunch/snack socially distanced through days 6–10.
- If no symptoms:
- For unvaccinated close contacts not living in the same household:
- Students (exposure in a school setting)
- If the potential exposure happened at school and the close contact was wearing a mask, the close contact does not need to quarantine.
- Monitor for symptoms.
- If symptomatic, stay home and get tested.
- Students (exposure NOT in a school setting)
- Unvaccinated students who have a close contact not in a school setting should stay home for 5 days and monitor for symptoms.
- Staff
- Unvaccinated staff who are close contacts need to quarantine for 5 days, monitor for symptoms, and get tested for COVID before returning to work.
- However, if the staff member was demonstrably not within six feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes in a 24-hour period, they may not be required to quarantine. The staff member should test daily for 5 days (using at-home tests, which may be provided by the school) and wear a well-fitting mask.
- Please consult with the health office.
- Students (exposure in a school setting)
- Symptomatic COVID-positive persons must stay home and isolate for at least 5 days after the symptoms started, even if fully vaccinated.
- Asymptomatic persons, who do NOT have symptoms, must stay home for 5 days from the date they tested positive, even if fully vaccinated.
- Return to school on day 6 only if fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication) and symptoms are improving.
- Must wear a well-fitting mask for 5 days after returning to school, including while outdoors. (N95, KN95, KF94, or 4-ply surgical masks are recommended.)
- Must eat lunch/snack socially distanced through days 6–10.
Helpful Links
Please email attendance@
marineareaschool.org when your student is absent or late for any reason, and to report illnesses.
- Washington County COVID Testing Information
- Please also refer to this symptom guide from the CDC.
- Positive PCR test results are considered confirmed cases. Positive antigen test results are considered probable cases.
- We will follow the same procotols for all positive cases, whether from PCR or antigen tests.
- Get additional free at-home COVID tests here: www.covidtests.gov
COVID-19 Symptoms
Please also refer to this symptom guide from the CDC
- More common symptoms are one or more of these:
- Fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
- New cough or a cough that gets worse
- Difficulty/hard time breathing
- New loss of taste or smell.
- Less common symptoms are two or more of these:
- Sore throat
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
- Chills
- Muscle pain
- Extreme fatigue/feeling very tired
- New severe/very bad headache
- New nasal congestion/stuffy or runny nose.
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Please email attendance@marineareaschool.org when your student is absent or late for any reason, and to report illnesses.
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