On Tuesday, September 29th, River Grove held elections for two board vacancies. We were fortunate to have had five amazing candidates run for two open positions.
We are excited to announce the two candidates elected were Annie Beck, current third-grade teacher at River Grove, and Lisa Dochniak, a Founding Board Member who was re-elected to serve as our Community Representative. Both are honored to be selected and will be seated at the Board of Directors Meeting this Tuesday, October 20. We are also proud to report that despite the unprecedented times we live in, participation in the election was extraordinarily strong with over 200 votes cast. This is a continued testament to our very active and engaged school community.
Thank you to all candidates as well as all the parents, teachers and board members that participated in the election.
September 29th also marked the end of the term for River Grove founding board member and first-grade teacher Jackie Henschen, who chose not to run for re-election. On behalf of our entire school community, THANK YOU Mrs. Henschen for your hard work and commitment to getting our school up and running. We’ve had a tremendously successful first three and a half years at River Grove here in our Wilder Forest home, which would not have been possible without your efforts. We are excited to have you remain on staff as a beloved teacher to help us continue to grow into all that River Grove’s bright future holds!
Public Notice
The River Grove Board of Directors will be holding its next monthly board meeting virtually. The meeting link and passcode follow below.
- Topic: River Grove October 20 Board Meeting
- Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:00pm
- Join Zoom Meeting
- https://zoom.us/j/97182659460?pwd=NDZ3LzBaLzhmQ2hXSTRpMmZ1ekNkdz09
- Meeting ID: 971 8265 9460
- Passcode: 7560443665
- You will be placed in a virtual waiting room until the host is able to add you to the meeting.
- Board materials and agenda items will be posted on the River Grove website: https://marineareaschool.org/macs-board/materials/board-2019-20/
- The meeting will be recorded. In lieu of in person sign-in sheets we ask all school attendees to list their first and last name when joining the meeting. To limit on screen activities we also ask that you remain on mute with camera’s off unless speaking during the community comment section or requested to speak by the board chair.