Support Lakeview Hospital employees through “MARINE CARES.”

Lakeview Hospital healthcare workers are on the front line caring for our families, friends, and neighbors during this latest surge in Covid. These workers include doctors, nurses, nurse assistants, first responders & janitors, specifically in the ICU and ER units. They take care of us at great physical and emotional risk to themselves and their own families.

A simple handmade card or gift from a student would go a long way!

Marine Cares

We are so grateful to them. In an effort to support them, MARINE CARES is asking for help from our school communities. A simple handmade card or gift from a student would go a long way!

Drop your gift or handmade item off: DECEMBER 1 – DECEMBER 18​​ in bins marked ‘Marine Cares’ at: ​​

  • Christ Lutheran Church, Marine – Outside Side Entrance ​
  • JRod’s Automotive, Marine – Inside the Office
  • Marine General Store, Marine – Behind the Register
  • Marine Café, Marine – Inside Front Door
  • Alfresco Casual Living, ​321 Main St S, Stillwater – Inside

Click on this link for more info!

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