Required Forms for Grades 1-5

These 2023-24 Forms are Required Prior to the First Day of School

1) Physical Activities and Assumption of Risk

    • On-line Form: Complete and submit online.

Your student will be participating in physical activities associated with River Grove. Physical activities require each participant’s parent or guardian to sign this acknowledgment and assumption of risk.

>>> Click here to open the 2023-24 on-line form

2) Topical OTC Medication Form

    • On-line Form: Complete and submit on-line.

This form is for sunscreen, insect repellent, lip balm, and over-the-counter (OTC) topical medication permission.

NOTE: This form is not for pain relievers such as Tylenol and Advil. (See Optional Forms page for pain relievers permission.)

>>> Click here to open the 2023-24 on-line form

3) Transportation Needs, “Directory Information” Opt-Out, Annual Field Trip

Forms Menu
  • Kindergarten Forms for Individual Students
  • Grades 1-5 Forms for Individual Students
  • Family Forms (Single Forms for All Students in the Family)

How to Turn in Completed Forms

There are two types of forms:

  • 1) Forms in .pdf format generally require signatures from physicians or other personnel. For the .pdf forms, please submit to River Grove in one of these ways:
  • 2) On-line forms are sent automatically to River Grove. You do not need to print and send them into the office.
    • Please complete the on-line forms on a computer, not a smart phone.

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