Community volunteer Ruth Willius teaches Spanish to Kindergartners
We are thrilled to announce that the River Grove Board of Directors voted to add a second section of Kindergarten for the 2018-19 school year. Because the Board again set each class size at 25 for next year, this will bring the number of Kindergarten openings to 50. The decision was made in response to the high numbers of applications we are receiving, and reaffirms the earlier decision (made prior to the start of the current school year) to eventually be a two-section-per-grade school for each grade. This year, we have two sections of third grade. Many community members, parents, and local educators wrote to the Board and spoke at the February 13 meeting, supporting having a second class for Kindergarten.
New student applications for next year for all grades, including Kindergarten, are still accepted. Please go here to apply.