Board Elections

River Grove Families and Community, Earlier this month River Grove held our first board elections. This was an exciting moment as we had four wonderful candidates with diverse backgrounds and experiences that nominated themselves to serve our school. The two candidates that were elected to the board were Jessica Hansen,…

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Public Notices

Public Board of Directors Meeting, Saturday May 19, 9:30am* (note time change). All parents, guardians, school staff, and community members are welcome! The agenda will be posted on the website. The meeting will be held in the Commons building on the River Grove campus in Wilder Forest: 14189 Ostlund Trail…

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Open House! Thursday, May 10, 6:30pm

Please come to our Open House for New and Prospective Families on Thursday, May 10, 6:30pm! Tours at 6:30 and 7:30pm Informational Program at 7:00pm Located in the Commons Building: River Grove Campus 14189 Ostlund Trail North, Marine on St. Croix MN 55047 Call 651-409-3122 or email for more info.

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April 2018 Board of Directors Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting: Saturday, April 21, 8:30am* This is a public meeting: All parents, guardians, school staff, and community members are welcome! The agenda will be posted on the website. The meeting will be held in the Commons building on the River Grove campus of Wilder Forest: 14189 Ostlund Trail…

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