See Updates Below

Back to School Open House Schedule
1) Tuesday, August 24: 5:00 – 7:00pm
NOTE: In case of stormy weather on Tuesday evening, Tuesday’s Back to School Night will be cancelled, and then Thursday’s open house will be extended until 6:00pm
2) Thursday, August 26: 3:00 – 5:00pm*
*See note above for possible time extension to 6:00pm in case of stormy weather on Tuesday
- Parents don’t need to attend both
- Open house style — come when you can!
- Park in either lot — Guest or Staff. Do not park on the shoulder of a road.
Location Change to Homestead Field
In keeping with our mission of being outside as much as possible, please come to Homestead Field (just north of the “Guest” (parent pickup) parking lot).
A Few Highlights
- Treats provided by your PTO
- New family presentation at 5:00pm (Tues) & 3:00pm (Thurs)
- New students — pick up your free River Grove t-shirt!
- Learn about after-school clubs
- Learn about community organizations for kids
- Drop off meds for health office
- Complete outstanding forms
- Learn about immediate volunteer needs and grab a background check form
- Pick up your Sal’s Angus Grill VIP Discount Card!
- Meet your fellow River Grove families
- Learn where the classrooms are and get to know campus
- Kids are welcome to play on the playground accompanied by an adult. River Grove staff will not be supervising.
- Drop off school supplies in classrooms
Visit the Commons While You are There — Lost & Found and a “Good Stuff Garage Sale”!

Please stop by the Commons while you are there to see if anything in the Lost & Found belongs to you. Items left over after Thursday will either be donated or used as extras by the Health Office. Furniture and items no longer needed at River Grove will be for sale in the Commons, too!