Important Notes for the Start of School 2017-18
School Contact Information
- Phone: 651-409-3122
- Fax: 651-538-1022
- Main email:
- Click here for Teaching Team and Staff Emails
Didn’t Make it to an Open House?
- Please see:
- Required health and emergency contact forms.
- Other required and optional forms.
- Some forms are required before your child can be admitted to class.
Band and Orchestra Starts the First Week of School!
- 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students who are participating in band or orchestra should bring their instruments both Tuesday and Wednesday every week starting this week.
- At this time, there have been no major changes to the bus routes. We appreciate your patience with any concerns as we all work together.
Arrivals, Dismissals, and Absences
Here’s some quick information about arrivals, dismissals, and absences. Please see the 2017-18 Parent Student Handbook for complete details. Don’t forget to read the handbook and sign the Acknowledgement Form, which can be returned to your child’s teacher.
Morning Arrival
School supervision is not available before 8:45 a.m. For safety reasons students may arrive no earlier than 8:45 a.m. and will not be allowed into school grounds, with the exception of the parking and administrative office, until 8:45am. The office opens at 8:30 a.m.
- Buses will arrive at River Grove at 8:45 a.m. Students using bus transportation will be released from their bus by their bus driver to a staff member, who will escort them to their class building.
- Parents arriving with students must park in guest parking and walk their students to their buildings for the start of the school day. Guest parking is the second, smaller parking lot to the west of the first lot. Please see the online campus map for your child’s classroom.
- Do not park on the dirt road by the school.
Late Arrivals (after 9:00):
- Procedure:
- Parents park in guest parking lot and check in at the main office located in the Earth Building (entrance on the east side of the building) with their student. Do not park on the dirt road by the school.
- Parents pick up a visitor badge and walk their student to the student’s classroom.
- Parents stop back at the office, drop off visitor badge, and may depart.
- All late arrivals and early release students must be signed in and out from the school office. Students can only be released early to those listed as a parent/guardian on their Student Pick-Up Authorization Form or other adults previously approved in writing. Parents picking up their child early, please inform your child’s teacher as well as the office.
- Students are considered late if they arrive at school after 9:00 a.m
Afternoon Dismissal
- Students will be escorted by a staff member to their buses.
- Students will be picked up by a staff member from their class buildings and escorted to the guest parking to await their ride. Guest parking is the second, smaller parking lot to the west of the first lot. Please see the online campus map. Students will be released by a staff member to their vehicle.
Dismissal Changes:
- Except in the case of an emergency, please call the school office (651-409-3122) by 12:00 p.m. on the day of to change your child’s dismissal (e.g., if he/she will be going on the bus with a friend or changing to parent/carpool pickup).
- Children will be released to only the persons listed on the Student Pick-Up Authorization Form.
- Call the school office (651-409-3122) by 9:00 a.m. to report any absence each day the student is absent. Please leave your name, child’s name, child’s grade, reason for absence, and your child’s teacher’s name.
- If a student is leaving during school hours, a parent/guardian must report to the office to sign their child out. The parent/guardian must then pick up a visitor badge from the office and walk to the child’s classroom to pick up their student. Please park in the guest parking lot. Do not park on the dirt road by the school.