Lunch Info

River Grove will continue to offer school lunches, with occasional hot lunches. The lunches will be prepared, packaged individually, and delivered to each classroom. Coolers have been purchased to ensure the lunches are kept properly while in route to their class. A class checklist will also be used to make sure each student that needs a lunch will be provided one. Unfortunately, at this time there will be no option for seconds.

There will be a limited menu with a four-day rotation of different lunches offered. Please see the website menu and continue to sign up for lunches two weeks at a time.

  • The order form be in two-week periods.
  • Payments for lunches can be made by check or cash. Send the money to school with your child, drop it off at the office, or deposit it in a the locked drop box outside the office door. Soon, we will send information about how to may via credit card. 

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