BARR educators focus on your child as more than just a learner – we work to understand him or her as a whole child.
In 2020-21, River Grove became a “BARR” (Building Assets, Reducing Risks) school. BARR is an evidence-based model that provides our school with a comprehensive approach to meeting the academic, social, and emotional needs of each and every student. Through BARR, we work to harness the power of relationships and data to remove both academic and non-academic barriers to learning and ensure that no student is invisible.
At River Grove, all teachers are grouped into a Small Block team (K-2nd grade teachers and 3rd-6th grade teachers). These teacher teams meet weekly to monitor student progress, identify strengths, and consider ways to support and challenge all block students. Each week, our BARR coordinator meets with the teacher teams to offer additional support for students and provide recognition for students’ unique strengths and talents.
BARR is the framework that provides River Grove teachers the opportunity to get to know each of our student’s strengths and interests during a critical time in their education. As educators, we leverage the knowledge we gain through relationship building and “U-Times” in order to better engage and challenge our students. U-Times are opportunities to foster teacher-to-student and student-to-student relationships; BARR teachers facilitate lessons focused on helping students communicate, learn, and practice essential life skills. More info about BARR here.
River Grove’s teachers, administration, and staff are experienced in and aware of the many social-emotional pressures that students face daily. Students who feel their experiences and viewpoints are unwelcome, judged, or stereotyped may not learn in the same way that other students might. At River Grove we believe that emphasizing positive behavioral traits is an important step in building the character of the students. Our teachers and staff have chosen the acronym “PRIDE” (Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Discovery, and Excellence) to represent the behaviors we wish to see in students. These behaviors will be celebrated and reinforced throughout the year. We hope that families can participate in focusing on these traits at home in partnership with the school.
Special Education
River Grove has a very experienced staff and a wide range of special education services to fit all of our students’ needs. Communication with your child’s teacher is the first line to address concerns. You and your teacher will work together to determine the best course of action for your child. Our Special Education Coordinator would be happy to answer questions or discuss concerns.
Math and Reading Corps
Once again, River Grove qualifies for assistance from Reading Corps for struggling readers up to grade 3. And this year, we are adding Math Corps! Tutors work one-on-one or in small groups with students during school hours throughout the school year. Reading Corps and Math Corps provide comprehensive strategies proven to help students learn.
Interested in becoming a Math or Reading Corps Tutor? Please see this information post.